Archives for Bellpuig

The arrival of the Canigó Flame and a festival in honour of Sant Joan – Bellpuig (l’Urgell)

The Flame will arrive in the Plaça Ramon Folch square. This will be followed by the lighting of the censer, the reading of a manifesto, and the festival of Sant Joan. From 8 pm onwards.
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Calendars: festivals and fairs.
Comarques: Bellpuig and L'Urgell.
Campanyes: spring.
Venues: Bellpuig (Arribada de la Flama del Canigó i festa de Sant Joan).

Festival and Procession of the Verge dels Dolors – Bellpuig (l’Urgell)

The Festival of the Verge dels Dolors (Our Lady of Sorrow) is celebrated on the Friday before Good Friday and there will be associated acts throughout the weekend. Mass, celebration of The Word, in honour of the Sorrow of Our Lady, ringing of church bells, procession of the Armats (Roman soldiers) and the gathering of all the passos (themed floats) and the Great Procession of Penitence (10 pm). 
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Calendars: culture.
Comarques: Bellpuig and L'Urgell.
Campanyes: spring.
Venues: Bellpuig (Festivitat i Processó de la Verge dels Dolors).

Carnival Festival

In the morning, “Botiguestoltes” (Carnival shopping) at all of the shops and businesses in the village. In the evening and at night, there will be a grand parade of floats and krewes and a party, including a DJ concert. Everything will be done respecting and observing all the necessary public health and safety measures.
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Calendars: festivals and fairs.
Comarques: Bellpuig and L'Urgell.
Venues: Bellpuig (Festa del Carnestoltes).