Archives for summer


The exhibition ” Art primer. Artistes de la prehistòria” takes you on a journey into the past in search of the origins of art. It also explains Levantine rock art, one of the most original artistic expressions to emerge in Catalonia and the rest of the peninsular Mediterranean more than 7,000 years ago. The development of creative and abstract thinking is one of the great milestones of human evolution.
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Calendars: culture.
Comarques: La Noguera.
Campanyes: summer.

PÚBLIC! Street Arts series – Tàrrega

CIA. EXPRESS presents the show INKÓGNITO (circus) A 2/4 d’11 de la nit, a la Figuerosa Organitza: Regidoria de Cultura CIA. Express is a duo in which its members, Mexican-born Estefanía Flores and Swiss-born Jannick Lüthi, display a myriad of skills in a continuous passage from one absurdity to the next. Two detectives without many investigative skills star in a totally fresh story of complicity and family circus. Free.
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Calendars: festivals and fairs.
Comarques: L'Urgell.
Campanyes: summer.
Venues: Tàrrega (PÚBLIC! Cicle d'arts de carrer).


FIRATÀRREGA · TERRITORI CREATIU: open rehearsal with SERGI ESTEBANELL and the show ACTS OF LIBERATION A les 6 de la tarda, a la Sala Marsà (carrer de la Vilanova) Organitza: FiraTàrrega A project in three acts from an artistic, anthropological and psychological point of view, and from the relationship generated when fear, love and freedom meet. The aim is to find creative ways to free ourselves from the fears that paralyse us and to connect emotionally with people around us. The Museu de les Pors (Museum of Fears) is both experimental exhibition and part of the same, with an audio
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Calendars: festivals and fairs.
Comarques: L'Urgell.
Campanyes: summer.
Venues: Tàrrega (FiraTàrrega 2022 - Teatre al carrer).

TOWERS OF PONENT Route: visit to the BELL TOWER of Santa Maria de l’Alba – Tàrrega

D’11 del matí a 1 del migdia, a l’Església de Santa Maria de l’Alba Organitza: Regidoria de Promoció Econòmica i Turisme i Regidoria de Patrimoni Tàrrega is part of the Towers of Ponent tourist route, which offers a bird's eye view of our heritage by visiting bell towers, viewpoints, watchtowers… Price: 5 euros (see discounts on the website ). Visits by appointment only:
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Calendars: culture.
Comarques: L'Urgell.
Campanyes: summer.

PÚBLIC! Street Arts series – Tàrrega

PÚBLIC! Street Arts series: double dance performance – CIA. L’ESBORD with L’HEREU RIERA · ESBART ROCASAGNA with ERA At 20h, at Altet Organized by: Regidoria de Cultura Pere Seda performs L'Hereu Riera, a contemporary and traditional dance solo, in which he blurs the limits and plays with a hybrid language. A ritual that invites us to reflect on the popular Catalan imaginary. Carles Janer's Esbart Rocasagna, for its part, superimposes situations and narratives linked to the individual stories of a collective through an eye-catching choreographic universe. Free.
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Calendars: culture.
Comarques: L'Urgell.
Campanyes: summer.
Venues: Tàrrega (PÚBLIC! Cicle d'arts de carrer).