Archives for spring

“Mercat de la Rambla” (Rambla Market) – Lleida

Market for antiques, collectors’ items, crafts, painting, philately and art… DATE OF THE ACTIVITY: On the first Sunday of every month, from 10 am to 2 pm: 5th May, 2024 and 2nd June, 2024. WHERE THE ACTIVITY WILL TAKE PLACE: Rambla de Ferran – Lleida MORE INFORMATION:
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Calendars: family tourism and festivals and fairs.
Comarques: Lleida.
Campanyes: spring.

“Nit d’estels” (Night of starts) at the Castle of Lladurs

Would you like to enjoy the spectacular sight of a starry night? Have you ever seen the Moon, the rings of Saturn, or a nebula through a telescope? Would you like to contemplate the starry sky from a unique location with more than 1000 years of history, like the Castle of Lladurs? We will start the activity in the multimedia room and finish it off by going up the tower to admire a magnificent sky full of stars and observe it through the telescope. DATE OF THE ACTIVITY 25th May and 7th and 21st June, 2024   WHERE THE ACTIVITY
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Calendars: nature.
Comarques: Lladurs.
Campanyes: spring and summer.
Venues: Castle of Lladurs.

“Observació del sol al Castell de Lladurs” (Observing the sun at the Castle of Lladurs)

Have you ever seen the Sun through a telescope? Do you know that you must use approved filters in order to avoid eye injuries? Would you like to see sunspots, bulges and explosions, and solar flares, in complete safety? If you would like to know more about the Sun, and to observe it through a telescope specifically designed for this type of observation, you will love this activity. WHERE THE ACTIVITY WILL TAKE PLACE: Castle of Lladurs (Lladurs) MORE INFORMATION or 607225944  
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Calendars: nature.
Comarques: Lladurs.
Campanyes: spring and summer.
Venues: Castle of Lladurs.

“Vins i estels” (Wines and stars) at the Celler del Miracle

Enjoy a unique opportunity to observe the stars, planets and/or moon by telescope, out among the vineyards of the Celler del Miracle, in an incomparable setting and accompanied by its fantastic wines. If you like outdoor activities and enjoy the sights that nature provides, join us at the privileged setting of the Miracle Shrine. You will love the experience! You will experience the magic of the night by learning about astronomy, observing the skies with a telescope, and getting to know the Celler del Miracle project at first hand.  WHERE THE ACTIVITY WILL TAKE PLACE: Celler del Miracle (Miracle Shrine
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Calendars: culture, gastronomy, and nature.
Comarques: Riner.
Campanyes: spring and summer.
Venues: El Miracle (Riner).

“Festivitat del Corpus” (Festival of Corpus Christi) – Solsona

The celebration of Corpus Christi at Solsona has become a mini-“Festa Major” (Main Festival), as it has incorporated some of the most traditional events of that festival, such as those featuring giants. The central acts of this festival are: the wheel of fire, which takes place on the evening before the event; the parade of the blunderbuss bearers; the procession presided over by the Bishop of Solsona; the carpet made of flowers and coloured sawdust in the Plaça de Palau square; and the exhibition of the traditional dancing involving giants, accompanied by the Cobla Juvenil Ciutat de Solsona (Youth Ensemble),
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Calendars: culture, family tourism, and festivals and fairs.
Comarques: El Solsonès.
Campanyes: spring.
Venues: Solsona (Festivitat del Corpus).

“Benvinguts a pagès” (Welcome to smallholder farming) in El Solsonès

The “Benvinguts a pagès” (Welcome to smallholder farming) weekend will allow visitors to learn about, and taste, products grown and created in El Solsonès, to taste the cuisine of the “comarca” (local district) in its restaurants, and to sleep in the accommodation of collaborating entities. In this year’s edition, visitors can visit the Bec d’Or de Llobera organic rooster operation, the L’Aubagueta de Biosca organic cheese factory, and the Celler del Miracle of the Santuari del Miracle (Riner). WHERE THE ACTIVITY WILL TAKE PLACE: At different settlements in El Solsonès MORE INFORMATION: 
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Calendars: family tourism and gastronomy.
Comarques: El Solsonès.
Campanyes: spring.
Venues: Diferents indrets del Solsonès (Benvinguts a pagés).