Archives for Val d’Aran

The burning of the Taro

A group of men from the village set out in search of the largest fir tree in the forest, which is then planted outside the village. On the night of the 23rd, the Taro (a large log) is set alight, blessed, and then dragged around the village and to the mayor’s house. Along the way, the young people of the village jump over the Taro in celebrations that combine music, folklore and dance.
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Calendars: family tourism and festivals and fairs.
Comarques: Arties and La Val d'Aran.
Venues: Arties (Crema deth Taro).

Visits to the Çò de Joanchiquet Ecomuseum

Joanchiquet is the prototype of a traditional Aranese house. It explains the landscape of the valley, the meadows, the forestry exploitation, the family history and day-to-day lives of the local people and their social and family organization, etc. Check timetables. Mondays closed.
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Calendars: culture.
Comarques: La Val d'Aran and Vilamòs.
Venues: la Val d’Aran (Visites a l’Ecomusèu Çò de Joanchiquet).

Visits to the Çò de Joanchiquet Ecomuseum

Joanchiquet represents the prototype of a traditional Aranese house. The museum explains the landscape of the valley, its meadows, the exploitation of its forestry resources, the lives of Aranese people in the past, and local social and family organization, etc. Check timetables. Closed on Mondays.
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Calendars: culture.
Comarques: La Val d'Aran and Vilamòs.
Venues: la Val d’Aran (Visites a l’Ecomusèu Çò de Joanchiquet).