Archives for family tourism

27th Season of Performing Arts

Performance of “L’abraçada dels cucs” by Cactus Teatre (tragicomedy), on 15th January; “El circ dels impossibles” by Mag Stigman (magic and family circus), on 23rd January; “Creatura” by Lapso Producciones (circus), on 5th February; “El monstre de colors” by Tutatis (family puppet theatre), on 6th February; “Les irresponsables” by Bitó and La Villarroel (comedy), on 18th February; by Nautilus de Cia. “La Negra” (family theatre), on 20th February; “Hamelí” by Cia. Xip Xap (family theatre), on 6th March, and “Fascinatio” by Jordi Quimera  (family illusionism), on 3rd April.
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Calendars: culture and family tourism.
Venues: 27a Temporada d’Arts Escèniques - Tàrrega (l’Urgell).