
festivals and fairs
“SolsoTerra”, The Solsonès Earth Fair
SolsoTerra” is a fair that has emerged from the combination of “Ecològica” and the “Fira del Bolet del Solsonès” (El Solsonès Mushroom Fair). The idea behind the event is to promote ecological products, sustainability and woodlands. At “SolsoTerra”, it will be possible to find a traditional mushroom market and a wide range of activities related to their forest product. There will also be a space for selling the ecological production of the local district, accompanied by activities and talks related to sustainability, health and the natural environment.


The fair will also include the “Jornada Masies Sostenibles” (Day of Sustainable Farmhouses) and “Solsbirra Fest”, a festival of craft beers. The event will also serve as the starting point for the “Jornades Gastronòmiques de Tardor” (Autumn Gastronomic Sessions), which are organized by the Gremi d’Hostaleria (Hostelry Guild) of El Solsonès.

Phone:973 48 20 03 / 973 48 23 10
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El Solsonès
El Solsonès (XIII Fira del bolet i del boletaire)