
active tourism
El Segrià, The Land of Blossom - route 14 km - Montoliu
Free route: a route through old and new orchards and vegetable gardens, covering both the Horta (orchard and market gardening) area, which is one of old orchards irrigated by the Séquia de Torres and Canal d’Urgell irrigation canals, in what is an area with an important industrial, natural and historical heritage. It also takes in the area that used to correspond to dryland agriculture but which was transformed by the application of irrigation in the River Set valley and on the Pla de Tabac plain. This is a route that allows visitors to get an idea of the variety of landscapes in the local area.

Distance: 14 km

Meeting point: Ajuntament (local council) of Montoliu de Lleida
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El Segrià
Montoliu (ajuntament)