
“Històries i Camins a la Vall de Boí” (Stories and Paths of the Vall de Boí)
Morning: 10.30 am – 1.15 pm. Guided excursion to learn about the legends and stories of the Vall de Boí and the Pyrenees. Who were the mysterious and beautiful “Encantàries” (enchanters)? What tasks did the restless “Minairons” (elves) like to perform? Which giants live in the high mountains?

Free activity which must be booked in advance at the Patronat de la Vall de Boí (local tourist board office). Tel. 973 69 40 00 or

Afternoon: 5 pm. Theatre: “Camins que parlen” (Paths that talk) with the company La Fanga Escènica. Based on tales for the exhibition “Històries i Camins” (Stories and Paths) by Idapa. A story that ties together all the different adventures; an immersion in the folklore of the Pyrenees. Suitable for people of all ages.

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