
festivals and fairs
Festival of Corpus Christi - Solsona (el Solsonès)
The celebration of Corpus Christi at Solsona has become a mini-Festa Major, as some of the most traditional features of local festivities are now celebrated in it, including the participation of giants (traditional local folklore figures). The central acts of this festival are: the wheel of fire, which takes place on the evening before the event; the parade of the blunderbuss bearers; the procession presided over by the Bishop of Solsona; the carpet made of flowers and coloured sawdust in the Plaça de Palau square; and the exhibition of the traditional dancing involving giants, accompanied by the Cobla Juvenil Ciutat de Solsona (Youth Ensemble), and the “thunder”.
Phone:973 48 00 50 / 973 48 23 10
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El Solsonès