
family tourism
“Festa Major” (Main Festival) – Lleida
The “Festa Major” (Main Festival) of May is held (on 11th May) in honour of Sant Anastasi, a Roman soldier and son of Lleida who was martyred in Badalona on the orders of Diocletian, in the year 303.

Within the wide programme of popular activities, it is possible to highlight the spectacular floral offering to the patron saint and the battle of flowers that take place on the same day: on 11th May, in the morning and afternoon, respectively. Multiple floats parade along Rambla Ferran, while their occupants fight a battle with the public, using confetti and streamers.

The constant presence of the city’s emblematic dragon, Lo Marraco, and of Catalonia’s oldest couple of giants, Marc Antoni and Cleopatra (which were built in 1840), is another of the attractions.

The “Festa Major” ends just as it began: with a splendid firework display on the left bank of the River Segre.

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