
active tourism
12th Rialp "Matxicots" and 9th Rialp "Matxixics" (el Pallars Sobirà)
The Rialp Matxicots race takes in emblematic peaks in the southern part of El Pallars Sobirà, El Montsent de Pallars and the Orri massif. On Saturday, there will be three routes: the Trail, over 50 km; the Half, over 21 km; and a walk, over 10 km. On Sunday, the Rialp Matxixics will be held for young people of school age (with 3 categories, depending on the age of the runners).
Phone:973 62 03 65
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El Pallars Sobirà
Rialp (XII Rialp Matxicots i IX Rialp Matxixics)